discontentment u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

discontentment u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Popular discontentment grew with the king's and duke's excesses.
The inertia and non-accountability of local councils have resulted in bottlenecks, discontentment and environmental disasters which are holding back our development.
She had to move forward with discontentment from the discontinued.
And ours is a place where preachers of disagreement and discontentment have more audience than those who try to promote positives.
In our work with clients, we often hear them mention five sources of discontentment among tech employees that are consistent with what the survey uncovered.
As punishment to the rising sense of discontentment, many military officers and public officials were exiled.
This statement has raised discontentment among the citizens, putting a serious question mark over his political future in a multi-racial society.
More than the financial implications it is the fear of uneven distribution that will cause a lot of discontentment and chaos among workers.
There was discontentment in the traditional system as youngsters started to despise it and stray away from it.
This discontentment increased in the latter half of the 17th century, creating the conditions for conflict that only required a match.

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