cruet u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

cruet u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Unlike a small carafe, a cruet has a stopper or lid.
These cruets are usually made of glass, though sometimes they are made of precious metals such as gold or silver.
With the salt grinder -- visibly identical but with rust-proof fittings and less powerful grinders -- the salt-and-pepper cruet set, so popular for the past century, was all but dead.
A tiny cruet was reserved for one thin stemmed tiny rose.
These included large centre piece items such as jardinires and float bowls as well as smaller useful items such as butter dishes, celery vases and cruet sets.
In the elegantly floral little room we find bunny cruets and rabbits on the wallpaper.
The dining car rocked the cruets and sauce bottles, the dessert was served with coffee.
Body shapes are adapted from maiolica ceramics and silver models; they range from the largest basins and ewers, chargers and plates, to the smallest cruets.
Slender glass alembics filled with fragrant oils, tiny cruets of kohl, and silk purses of pearl and carmine powder crowded a low table.
It also had a silver paten and two cruets with silver handles, all marked with the date 187172.

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