collapsable u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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The monocoque body integrated a steel safety cage that surrounded the passenger compartment, with collapsable engine and trunk sections for added passenger protection.
Collapsable crane derricks were fitted to access the cargo space.
The unit could have one already attached, or not, for a possible more collapsable version you could pack in a trunk or trailer.
It only works on the arterial side because arteries are stiff-walled and not readily collapsable.
The canopy is generally collapsable, with the ribs and fabric collapsing around the headband shafts, much like a typical umbrella.
A collapsable bottle takes between 25% and 33% of the space a non-collapsed bottle.
Along with sometimes collapsable poles safety equipment is often carried, including avalanche rescue gear, transceivers, snow shovels, and probes.
Quibbles, maybe, but at $1,400, an upgrade path and collapsable or removable legs would be nice.

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