circumlocutory u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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circumlocutory [Brit ˌsəːkəmˈlɒkjʊt(ə)ri, Am ˌsərkəmˈlɑkjəˌtɔri] ADJ

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It had a main hall, circumlocutory and skylights and a large mandapa.
An innocuous, inoffensive or circumlocutory term or phrase for something unpleasant or obscene.
It's a touch circumlocutory in places, cause it's written by an upstart 24-year-old, but other than that it stands up really well.
Rather than satisfy that great need, he also took the circumlocutory route of first deprecating ministerial work in favour of the civil service, until disillusionment set in.
The vast majority of definitions found in dictionaries are circumlocutory.
This circumlocutory travel becomes unbearable for the old age and weak pilgrims and also involved 12 to 14 hours travel time instead of direct flight time of 5 hours.
Charms, spells and other incantations are another form of circumlocutory oral poetics.
If she'd been more cautious, bland or circumlocutory in her choice of adjectives, she might have still been happily doing her job.

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