champers u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za champers u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

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If you crave bubbles stick to carbonated water, or champers.
But this time, without a glass of champers in his mitt...
Customers can either take a photo in the booth or upload one from a device and, hey presto, they get a personalised label to stick on their bottle of champers.
A glass of champers at a friend's wedding.
This overnight stay includes rose petals and candles in your luxury room, champers, chocolate dipped strawberries and a dozen red roses.
Cheering, booing, champers, big ears, tea and bacon butties made this a gleeful event.
The celebs are not only eating dinner during the show, but they're also downing lots of champers!
Unless you're five feet away and have already had a few glasses of champers, these aren't fooling anyone.
Furthermore, there was said to be a 30-litre gold bottle of champers delivered to the venue, taking two dudes to carry.
She has not long been born, but now she's off to college in high heels with some champers in her bag.

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