caiman u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

There are both local and foreign animals: lions, ocelots, parrots, macaws and many more including snakes, caiman, wildfowl giraffes and others.
When he was 15, he got young spectacled caiman too.
On the island, the park protects forests, mangroves, monkeys, sloths, caiman, crocodile, and 28 species of amphibians and reptiles.
The spectacled caiman matures earlier, reaching its mature length of 1.2 m in four to seven years.
After the depletion of the black caiman population, piranhas and capybaras, having lost perhaps their primary predator, reached unnaturally high numbers.
Like the spectacled caiman, this species has a bony nasal ridge, though it is less prominent.

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