branchial u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Since they only circulate venous blood, branchial hearts function under predominantly anaerobic conditions.
Two branchial hearts feed the gills, each surrounding the larger systemic heart that pumps blood around the body.
Along the side of the branchial sac runs the endostyle, which produces mucus filters.
The action of the branchial hearts is necessary for the production of primary urine in these appendages via pressure filtration.
The dorsal ends of branchial arches 4 and 5 are attached, but not fused into a pickaxe as in lamniform sharks.
Special visceral motor neurons, also called "branchial motor neurons", which directly innervate branchial muscles (that motorize the gills in fish and the face and neck in land vertebrates).
The branchial syphon is large and surrounded by six large lobes; the cloacal syphon is small.
The final three hillocks are derived from the second branchial arch and form the antihelix, antitragus, and lobule, respectively.
This tube worm is a filter feeder and cilia on the branchial filaments waft particles towards the central mouth.
Disturbances in the development of the branchial arches in fetal development create lasting and widespread effects.

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