blacksmith's u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

blacksmith's u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

As each opened their luggages, it was discovered that it contained blacksmiths tools, and therefore allowed them to pass.
Some modern blacksmiths who produce decorative metalwork refer to themselves as artist-blacksmiths.
He worked as a blacksmith or harness maker.
A gristmill, blacksmith shop and a distillery were built, cattle and sheep were kept, and fruit trees and gardens were planted.
The commercial buildings include two stores, a tavern and a blacksmith shop.
The blacksmith who shode horses, was a farrier.
Village craftsmen such as blacksmiths and joiners provided for the needs of their own farming community and combined their specialist skills with subsistence farming.
By 1912, eighteen homes, a church, a general store, a blacksmith shop, and two tomato packing houses were located around the railroad.
To the left of the reaper is a figure of a blacksmith who also looks south.
A number of homes and commercial businesses also sprang up in the village, including a blacksmith, a general store, a bank, a hotel, and saloon.

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