barbershop u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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barbershop u rečniku PONS

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An example is a barbershop quartet or a choir singing a hymn.
In 1890, the island acquired its first barbershop, and about 500 barrels of shucked oysters were being sent to the mainland daily on the steamer.
This time he has some fun-time with his kids and visits old friends at his favorite barbershop.
He served as president of the local rotary club and sang baritone in a barbershop quartet.
The group prides itself on singing a wide range of songs, from gospel to barbershop to original compositions.
A cappella styles range from gospel music to contemporary to barbershop quartets and choruses.
Despite failing most vampire tests (like disliking garlic, running water, crosses etc.) the two break into the barbershop's basement.
The basement originally contained the vault for the bank, as well as a barbershop, florist, cigar store, and other shops.
In the 18th and 19th centuries the wealthy had servants to shave them or could frequent barbershops.
He sets all sorts of influences, from barbershop to ticky-tick dance music against that idiom, to underscore character and crystallize the period (1903- '14).

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