anti-competitive u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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anti-competitive u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za anti-competitive u rečniku italijanski»engleski

anticoncorrenziale [an·ti·kon·kor·ren·ˈtsia:·le] ADJ

1. anticoncorrenziale (contro la concorrenza: intesa, programma):


Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Countries began enacting anti-trust laws to prevent anti-competitive practices and corporations were granted more legal rights and protections.
It prohibits certain business activities that federal government regulators deem to be anti-competitive, and requires the federal government to investigate and pursue trusts.
Merger control regimes are adopted to prevent anti-competitive consequences of concentrations (as mergers and acquisitions are also known).
It allowed for international cooperation and rules against anti-competitive business practices.
For these reasons, most countries have competition laws to prevent anti-competitive practices, and government regulators to aid the enforcement of these laws.
Some allege that the lax enforcement of anti-competitive practices may be contributing to the formulation of market monopoly.
Improper behavior that may lead to a finding of copyright misuse includes (but is not limited to) anti-competitive activity.
The suit was filed due to price fixing and other allegedly anti-competitive trade practices in the credit card industry.
Section 5 prohibited the consolidation or common control of parallel railroads for anti-competitive purposes.
One result over time was their acquisition and closing of existing canals, another result was the development of monopolistic and anti-competitive practices.

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