acquiesce u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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acquiesce u rečniku PONS

acquiesce Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

to acquiesce in sth

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

One juror voted twice to convict, but on the third discussion, acquiesced and voted with the rest of the jury to acquit.
Equally, if the employer complains that the employee has taken to working away from the office, the employee may argue that the employer has acquiesced.
The second party is said to have acquiesced to the claim, and is estopped from later challenging it, or making a counterclaim.
At the conclusion of the proceedings, both nations acquiesced to the decision.
After the railroad company obtained an injunction ordering him to do so, he acquiesced.
Lacking the power she acquiesced on the dispossession for the time being.
He reluctantly acquiesced to pleas for help to deal with revolts and armed hostilities by often powerful rulers whose lucrative slavery activities seemed at risk.
Acquiesce has become a fans' favourite and is regularly played live.
Barely escaping, she took the form of a townsperson and, acquiescing to the mob, tossed the baby down a ravine.
In the short run, it would be profit maximizing to acquiesce and share the market with the new entrant.

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