Triplex® u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Triplex pumps with shorter lifetimes are commonplace to the home user.
For this reason, most fly-by-wire systems incorporate either redundant computers (triplex, quadruplex etc.), some kind of mechanical or hydraulic backup or a combination of both.
Other terminology for a concurrency includes overlap, coincidence, duplex (two concurrent routes), triplex (three concurrent routes) and multiplex (any number of concurrent routes).
It is currently a triplex (two screens added from the adjacent commercial building) and seats 461.
Multiple disk machines and triplex electrostatic machines (generators with three disks) were also developed extensively around the turn of the 20th century.
But instead, the buildings are divided into 2, 3, 4 or 6, creating duplex, triplex, quadruplex or sextuplex units.
While in combat the driver lowered his seat back into the tank and had to rely on the vision slot protected by triplex (three-layer glass).
A triplex co-op that occupies the top three floors was placed on the market in 2003, with a pricetag of $70 million.
It was converted to a triplex in 1995.
Leech subsequently converted the cinema into a triplex by adding a third cinema, with 103 seats, behind the main screen.

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