Trappist monk u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Trappist monk u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He remained lifelong friends with the Trappist monks, remembering them in his will.
Other orders, such as Trappist monks, are discouraged from "idle chatter" and will only speak when it is deemed necessary.
The abbey, founded in 1951, is where a group of 30 Trappist monks live a simple life devoted to prayer, study/reading and work.
The strapping stranger at the pool had been nice enough, alright - pleasant, polite to a fault, painfully quiet, about as yappy as a trappist monk.
When you are one of five siblings growing up in a cottage with thin walls, you learn to conduct certain scenarios with the rigour of a Trappist monk.
The Trappist monks aren't in it for the money -- they brew only enough to support themselves and the abbey.
That is not a recipe for a Trappist monk.
Many beer aficionados are familiar with the rare breweries run by Trappist monks.
What to try: one (or more) of the 22 beers brewed by Trappist monks.
But the publicity distracted from the quiet life of the Trappist monks.

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