Piccadilly u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za Piccadilly u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

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At first, the passenger fare was 75 cents round trip.
They say it could help ease traffic congestion during rush hour and possible push up profits which may turn away possible fare increases.
Children under 11 on a full price fare usually have the same baggage allowance as an adult.
But the biggest cause of the bereavement fare's demise may be the growth of low-fare carriers.
This is where the station control booth, ticketing machines and ticket gates are located, as well as various maps and fare information tables.
Taxi fares are charged according to the taximeter; however, additional charges on the fare table may apply, such as road tolls and luggage fees.
The ticket collector and turnstiles are in the station building at the surface, which puts streetcar and bus platforms within the fare paid zone.
Citing losses from a protracted fare war incited by inter-island competitor go!
It is generally considered casual fare, and as such is typically served at picnics, outdoor barbecues, potlucks and other casual meals and events.
The main tenet of its business plan was the goal of providing a business class service on a coach fare structure.

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