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Prevodi za „compatibilism“ u rečniku engleski » nemački (Pređite na nemački » engleski)

compatibilism N

Korisnička odrednica
compatibilism PHILOS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He rejects compatibilism because it, like incompatibilism, assumes a single, fundamental notion of freedom.
This conclusion could be avoided by adopting compatibilism.
This view of free will conforms with compatibilism.
In this talk he defined the common terms hard determinism and soft determinism (now more commonly called compatibilism).
On the other hand, theological compatibilism must attempt to find problems with it.
This appears to contradict the person's perception of free will, except as interpreted in compatibilism.
However, though he desired to defend a doctrine of free will, he ultimately ended up espousing what today would be known as compatibilism, or soft determinism.
To test the effects of belief in determinism, future studies would need to provide articles that do not simply attack free will, but instead focus on explaining determinism and compatibilism.

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