catchall u Oksfordovom rečniku španskog jezika

catchall u rečniku PONS

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Američki engleski

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For me, artificial intelligence is a catchall term and it's one that's cycled in and out of popularity.
The interface isn't unpleasant (as many catchall interfaces are), and it can be customized to feature small or large buttons for popular services.
And while this is undoubtedly good advice, it remains one of those catchall phrases that can be interpreted however its recipient sees fit.
It seems to be becoming a bit of a catchall.
If there is a problem with the jaws functions, let's just lump it under a catchall diagnosis and call it a day.
The term itself has become one of fashion's dirtiest words, a catchall axiom for superfluous clingers-on and fashion riff-raff.
But simply calling all the candidates "populists," a catchall term for politicians who champion the common people against a privileged elite, doesn't explain much.
So it is something of a general catchall.
I never would have predicted that it would have become the catchall term.
It is also used as a catchall phrase within the horse community to designate a neurological problem that has no more specific diagnosis.

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