Characteristics of the Conjugation of "you" in Latin America
"You" Plural, Familiar
In the "you" plural familiar conjugation, both the pronoun and the verb form generally used in Latin America differ from usage in Spain:
"You" Singular, Familiar
In almost half of all Latin American countries, the pronoun "vos" (voseo) is used instead of "tú" and "tí" (tuteo) to express "you" singular, familiar. The verb form usually corresponds to the "tú" form, with the exception of indicativo presente and imperativo. The "vos" form is rich in variants and its conjugation is complicated (see the description provided in the Spanish Academy’s Diccionario panhispánico de dudas). For this reason, these verb tables show only the standard "vos" usage of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, where voseo is most widespread in the norma culta (standard variety). These verb tables, therefore, do not fully cover the use of voseo. Rather, they aim to give an impression of language usage in Latin America and to enable an understanding of the voseo forms which belong to the standard variety.